The Premium Program will be introduced in stages in order to improve the service to our listed stores and members. As soon as we are ready to accept applications, we will announce the program sequentially, and we hope you will consider it. Please wait a little longer for the announcement.
- 自動キャンセルメールの優先
- 店舗からのお知らせメールの優先
- 特別イベント/コラボ情報の配信
- お客様のご利用の環境、設定などによるメールの遅延などには対処いたしかねます。
優先メールを受け取りたいメールアドレスに変更がある場合は、マイページのアカウント情報 ( https://omakase.in/users/profile )より変更が必要となります。
- メールが届かない場合、受信側の都合でブロックされている可能性がございます
- 「omakase.in」を受信リストに入れて頂き、お問い合わせください
What is Priority email?
Normally, e-mails are sent in random order to inform you of additional seats or canceled seats, but Premium members will receive priority e-mails first. Priority e-mails are as follows
- Priority for automatic cancellation e-mails
- Priority for email notifications from stores
- Delivery of special event/collaboration information
Points to note when using priority e-mail
- We will not be able to handle any delays in emails due to your environment or settings.
- If you wish to change the e-mail address you wish to receive priority e-mails from, you will need to change it in your account information on My Page ( https://omakase.in/users/profile ).
- Please note that some urgent communications from our company/stores may be sent regardless of whether they are priority or not.
- Depending on the environment of your e-mail software or mail server, there may be delays or non-delivery of e-mails, but we will not compensate for such delays or non-delivery.
- There is no difference in the order in which priority e-mails are delivered between the GREEN and GOLD programs.